current weather for West Bakersfield, california

Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016

I would just like to begin this letter by informing you that OUR CAR IS IN THE SHOP YET AGAIN! It's like Satan just looooves to try and stop the work, BUT HE SHALL NOT PREVAIL.

Also, this week ended with a thunderstorm! A REAL one, with rain and lightning bolts! Sister Bryan and I sat outside watching it while members kept texting us to tell us to be safe as if we've never been in one before. It made me miss REAL storms back east. Still miss trees.

ANYWAYS, this week has been the same as the rest except that we went on exchanges with the OAKS SISTERS!!  We actually got to go to their area, which was a first and it was so fun! We had dinner with a recent convert for the elders in that ward, we got to meet their recent converts, some less actives, and we found SO MANY PEOPLE for them to teach!! It was absolutely amazing. And we had them after Zone Conference where they gave us... wait for it.... TIWIS!!!

Tiwi is big brother. It’s in the car and monitors how fast you drive and how sharp you turn or accelerate or brake and if the car leaves the ground or is on too late or is out of your area. And it’ll yell at you. It’s crazy, but it sure is making everyone a safe, anxiety-filled driver, we'll give it that!! 

The APs had a recent convert move into our area that we were able to meet with and she is the cutest thing ever! Her name is J., we taught her dad before and she and her sisters just love church and the gospel and Jesus and whatnot. Plus we found most of our new investigators on one street. Serene Oak Drive. We worked there on 3 different occasions, but the Spirit just kept telling us to go back and every time we did BAM! Miracles. It was awesome. 

Our mission president gave us the talk "Faith to Reap" by Elder Wilford Andersen from a BYU-I devotional and it is life changing!! I won’t bore you with all the details but I will say that it taught me that simply "trying it out" isn’t enough. We gotta WORK to grow, or to see miracles, or to become better. The "faith to try" isn’t enough, it’s the faith to REAP that makes the difference.

I love you all!

Donuts with the Sisters
Bakersfield, CA
April 2016

 Being Hipster
Bakersfield, CA
April 2016

Snacks with the Sisters
Bakersfield, CA
April 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016

This week was about the same as the last! We've been doing more service and been singing hymns and been throwing flowers petals around us as we tract. Good times, good times.

But in all actuality, this week was a bit slow. BUT, did YOU know there’s an island in the pacific named Palau? And they speak Palauan? A member referred us to the AAA worker who helped her with her car and he and his sister-in-law were quite excited about the restored gospel. They texted us after they read some of the Book of Mormon and told us how it has  already  helped them with their faith in Christ. It sounded like a response from a Mormon movie on missionary work, it was awesome!

ALSO, this old man in his PJs came up to us and told us to help him cross the street but instead of going to a cross walk he just kindda yanked us into it and started going for it. But he’s a slow walker. And like 5 cars had to stop for us. THANKFULLY, God is on our side and we didn’t die! Even though we thought we might! He took us to his "friend’s" house but when we knocked they said they have no clue who he is but he keeps knocking on their door. I sure can’t wait to get old someday...

Plus someone from another faith said he "condemned" us. He meant “commended,” we hope....

We ate cactus this week!  It’s not too shabby, I might add.

We met with A. and her family came to Stake Conference which was AMAZING! And G. came as well! Even though we aren't the ones teaching him and we actually can’t speak with him at all, we're still besties, It's so exciting  :D

I'm on a time crunch but my favorite thing from stake conference was when the 2nd counselor (who's from Berkshire I might add) told us that the future of our faith is determined by choice, not by chance, and how if times get hard, it only means that something amazing is about to come because Satan does all he can to stop the work from progressing.

It’s been really hot and we want to melt but HAPPY DAY, ALL IS WELL!

I love you, hope your week is swell!

Being Silly
Sister King and Sister Bryan
Bakersfield (Berkshire)
April 2016

Being Silly
Sister King and Sister Bryan
Bakersfield (Berkshire)
April 2016

Real Tumbleweeds
Bakersfield (Berkshire)
April 2016

Real Tumbleweeds
Bakersfield (Berkshire)
April 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016


It starts off with the APs calling us and saying "uhhh, did you get our text about having a third companion for a week?" (!!!!!!!!!!!!!?). Turns out one of Sister Bryan's old comps is going home early because she's sick so we were in a TRIPANIONSHIP for a week! Didn't realize how much of a party it is to have more than one other person. Also didn't realize how awkward it would be to go to a door and have three people standing there telling you about Jesus and whatnot. Good times, good times. 

We had Mission Leadership Council this week and instead of presentations or role plays and the works, it was just one big discussion about what we can do better as a council and mission. For 2 hours. Really inspiring. Slightly overwhelming, but it was awesome! The biggest thing we learned is it's all about love, and the rest will fall into place. Love love love. Loving the missionaries, the members, the investigators, the people who slam the door in our face. All of them. If you don't see them as God sees them, then you aren't doing your job. 

The work was a bit slow this week, but we were informed that G. is currently living in South Bakersfield because someone told us he needs to look no further to find God, he's sitting in his living room right now. Also, we ran into more Indians than usual and we're picking up Punjabi! By picking up I mean we can understand them when they tell us they don't speak English. 

EXCITING NEWS THOUGH!! A. and her whole family came back to church! And the father of one of our recent converts came as well! The Hermanas are teaching him since he only speaks Spanish, but he'll be attending the shire. He's set to be baptized this month and A. will be next. They were so happy to be there, it was a real testimony builder to why we do this all day every day. So that people can have the peace they need so desperately!

Mariachi Band
Bakersfield, CA
April 201
God always gives us a little something when we needed it! We had a p-day in the "mountains!" (the Wind Wolves Preserve).  My personal studies were BOMB this week! And we're still dreaming of general conference!

Funniest thing of the week, we jumped out of a car to take a picture with a mariachi band!

Sorry this is rushed but I love you all and I hope that your week is full of miracles! 

I love you, have a great week!

Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  
Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  

Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  
Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  

Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  
Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  

Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  

Wind Wolves Preserve
April 2016  
April 2016  

Wind Wolves Preserve
"Big" Waterfall
April 2016  

Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016

You'd think that having one extra week in a transfer wouldn't be so bad, but it makes it seem twice as long... SO, week 7 was definitely one to write home about!

SISTER BRYAN AND I ARE TOGETHER FOR ANOTHER 6 WEEKS! We're like the only ones, the entire mission just got flipped upside down, but hey, it’s God’s, work not ours!

I’ve had my mission call for over a year now?  Where did the time go?!

The week started off with a zone activity, ultimate Frisbee with a football because it was too windy for a Frisbee. We all insisted on playing outside because we thought the wind wouldn’t hurt. And it shouldn’t! Anywhere but here. We ended up playing in a dust storm and the dirt here is full of valley fever, so we learned to NOT do that ever again!  

We had a lesson with a less active family, and we taught them a bit about the Book of Mormon challenge the Bishop gave, which is to read it this year and to give one to a friend. The spirit was soo strong and they texted us afterwards saying how grateful they were that we stopped by and said if there was ANYTHING we could do for them to let them know! They're just the sweetest, we are amazed at how receptive people can be about coming back to the fold and getting involved again. We MUST REACH OUT AND RESCUE! Just like general conference said! And it was SO DANG GOOD, but more on that later.

We went to go see a former investigator of ours when her boyfriend opened the door. Turns out he works for Elder Morris, out vehicle coordinator, and has been the guy helping out with our endless car troubles! It felt like we were meeting Oz. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and baptism and he just goes "oh don’t worry, Matt’s told me alllll about baptism and how I should do it." Talk about member missionary work, didn’t realize Elder Morris was a PRO! Goals man, goals.

Also, the father of O. and F. (who got baptized a month ago) is now taking the discussions with the Hermanas and is planning on being baptized next month! HOW EXCITING IS THAT!! They can be sealed soon; it’s crazy how much this gospel can bless families!!

Taco Contest and Spiritual Lesson
April 2016 Sister King, Sister Bryan,
and the M. Family
Speaking of Hispanic families we're working with, we met with the M. family again for  a TACO EATING COMPETITION! The highest is 28. I got 12. Sister Bryan got 16! And came really close to throwing up, but that’s a different story. We had a lesson after and A. just bore the most powerful testimony and her dad and mom were so emotional. Even though they spent some time away from the church, they’re so ready to come back; it’s awesome to see Christ change people!

Also, after 6 tries, we finally came in contact with a referral from the elders. His names B. and I’ve literally never met someone sooo open to the message. We tried to set him with a baptismal date for May 7th but he insisted it be April 30th instead. We went through a lot of hard times this week but we know that God fulfills his promises and will NEVER abandon us; it’s not part of His nature!

General Conference was spectacular. I loved its focus on temples and our identity as children of God! What stood out to me a lot was how they prophets testified that the first eternal truth is that God loves us, which is why the first and most important commandment is to love the Lord your god with ALL our heart, might, mind and strength! We need to always remember Him as he always remembers us. What a testimony builder to listen to God's representatives testify of our potential.

I feel like we need to take in refugees. Who are you gonna pick?  One from Africa? Turkey? Saudi Arabia? 

Elder Holland’s hit it home:

I love this gospel and am ready for this next week of miracles!

The District
Bakersfield, CA
April 2016